Welcome to One+Love! Here’s a chair, yes, we’ll take your coat, the gender-neutral bathroom is to your left. Yeah, the brownies are gluten-free. Of course there’s room for you at the table! This is One+Love, after all.
It said “LGBTQ” on your invite and we mean it. Every letter in that dazzling alphabet gets to shine here. Because we’re more than an app–we’re a portal to an infinite LGBTQ constellation of stories. Stories that need to be amplified in all their varied glory.
Of course, we’re going to miss things. We invite you to tug at our sleeve, let us know about that amazing bi activist who deserves a One+Love signal boost. Give us the scoop on where that herd of queer unicorns gather. And are you up to something interesting that we should tell the world about? Email us at info@onepluslove.com and let us know!
We plan on having fun on this blog, but we’re serious about catalyzing safer space for you. Whether it’s through our app, our facebook page, on this blog, or elsewhere, we’re about love activism. As Cornel West said, “Never forget that justice is what love looks like in public.” Ultimately, technology is the only the vehicle for our commitment to social justice.
So, have a look around. Make yourself at home. Grab a plate. Pull up a chair and tell us who you are. We’ve been waiting for you.
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